使用服務 VIdegree

Deep Relationships with Customers Allow Small Clinic to Have Loyal Patient Base of Several Thousand

Ye Rou-Jun Sweet Space Dental Clinic COO

Sweet Space Dental separates itself from the crowd by creating deep relationships with their patients. Using VIdegree Customer Relationship Management's "Customer Distribution Analysis" to understand the characteristics of each different customer base, and to receive feedback on customer satisfaction and the benefits of promotional activities, allows for timely adjustments to service quality and marketing direction. Regular use of VIdegree's "Newsletter" feature to send interesting, health related e-newsletters to members is another marketing technique which actively deepens the relationship between the clinic and their patients.

- Ye Rou-Jun Sweet Space Dental Clinic COO

Sweet Space Dental separates itself from the crowd by creating deep relationships with their patients. Using VIdegree Customer Relationship Management's "Customer Distribution Analysis" to understand the characteristics of each different customer base, and to receive feedback on customer satisfaction and the benefits of promotional activities, allows for timely adjustments to service quality and marketing direction. Regular use of VIdegree's "Newsletter" feature to send interesting, health related e-newsletters to members is another marketing technique which actively deepens the relationship between the clinic and their patients.

- Ye Rou-Jun Sweet Space Dental Clinic COO
“Putting the patient first!” When the number of dental clinics in Taiwan grew to surpass the number of 7-11s by 1.5 times, Sweet Space Dental Clinic utilized customer relationship management to differentiate themselves through their service, and in the process increased customer satisfaction which translated into word of mouth marketing. By the first year of operation, the clinic already boasted 2,500 loyal patients. 

Director Cao realized that to succeed in Taiwan's highly competitive dental care market, aside from providing a first-rate medical environment, a great deal of attention must also be paid to the maintaining of customer relations by providing patients with recognition and service. Therefore, Cao spent eight months trying to implement a customized CRM software system, but the complicated method of operation combined with a lack of after-sales service hindered the clinic's ability to upgrade their patient relationship management. Appreciatively, COO Ye Jun-Rou says, "After trying out GSS's VIdgree Customer Relation Ship Management system, not only did I discover that it is as easy to get used to as Facebook, but it also allows us to take a greater amount of initiative in comparison to other clinics!"

In regards to customer relationship management, Sweet Space Dental Clinic goes beyond the typical clinic which simply documents each patient's treatment record. At Sweet Space, VIdegree Customer Relationship Management is used to create a detailed profile of each patient from the moment they step into the clinic. "We don't just simply record their treatment information, we also take note of and group each patient by their likes and dislikes, special needs, and etc., creating additional chances for conversation and bridging the gap between us and the patient." Strengthening the doctor-patient relationship by creating additional interaction with our patients is the reason why 80% of Sweet Space's clients are through referral. In addition to using VIdegree's "Relationship Network Chart" to know the relationships between each patient, the "tagging" feature is also used to analyze and determine which patients were gained through referrals, and also to help increase understanding of our core patient base. Any time the clinic has any news updates, these core customers are the primary recipients. Furthermore, greeting cards for each holiday also serve to convey the feeling of care and consideration Sweet Space has for their patients.

During the interview, the sound of the reception desk addressing callers by name while directly referencing the situation of their recent visits could be heard. Such a scene seemed a direct contrast from the typical image of customers or patients wanting to hang up the phone shortly after calling in with a question or to make an appointment. "Making it easier for patients to receive care and service not only provides them with peace of mind, but also shortens the time necessary for internal communication." Once the person at the reception desk receives a call from a patient, using VIdegree, the computer automatically searches for the caller's name along with their previous treatment history. This allows the clinic to immediately provide them with the appropriate advice or forward the relevant information to the physician. "When searching, just enter the name and the system will automatically pull up where the patient lives, letting us more accurately find the correct person!" VIdegree is like Sweet Space Dental Clinic's heart, connecting each individual part of the clinic, from the small to the large.

Sweet Space Dental Clinic might not have an endless traffic of patients, but what they do have, is the support of countless highly loyal patients. "In addition to medical care differentiation, we place an even greater emphasis on the patient! Using service differentiation to give each and every patient the VIP treatment, this is where VIdegree holds the greatest value to us!" expressed Rou-Jun with a satisfied smile.

Sweet Space Dental separates itself from the crowd by creating deep relationships with their patients. Using VIdegree Customer Relationship Management's "Customer Distribution Analysis" to understand the characteristics of each different customer base, and to receive feedback on customer satisfaction and the benefits of promotional activities, allows for timely adjustments to service quality and marketing direction. Regular use of VIdegree's "Newsletter" feature to send interesting, health related e-newsletters to members is another marketing technique which actively deepens the relationship between the clinic and their patients.


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